#!/bin/bash # # This is based on an idea stolen from Oliver; see his great blog post # http://blogs.perl.org/users/oliver_gorwits/2011/07/locallibs-for-dist-development.html # for the rationale. # # This script works hand-in-hand with switch-profile. # set -e if [ -z "$1" ] then echo 'Pass the profile name, please' >&2 exit 2 fi echo "Creating local::lib for $1 ..." sleep 3 test -d "${HOME}/perl-profiles" || mkdir -v "${HOME}/perl-profiles" PROFILE_DIR="${HOME}/perl-profiles/$1" curl -L http://cpanmin.us/ | perl - --notest --quiet --local-lib-contained "${PROFILE_DIR}" \ App::cpanminus \ Dist::Zilla \ App::local::lib::helper mkdir -p "${PROFILE_DIR}/etc" cat > "${PROFILE_DIR}/etc/bashrc" <