132 lines
3 KiB
132 lines
3 KiB
![]() |
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Tk;
use IO::File;
use List::Compare;
my ( $filename_A, $filename_B ) = ( '', '' );
my $mw = MainWindow->new;
$mw->title( 'Compare Files' );
add_choose_file_frame( 'File A', \$filename_A );
add_choose_file_frame( 'File B', \$filename_B );
my $button_frame = $mw->Frame->pack;
$button_frame->Button( -text => "File A only", -command => \&file_A_only )->pack( -side => 'left' );
$button_frame->Button( -text => "File B only", -command => \&file_B_only )->pack( -side => 'left' );
$button_frame->Button( -text => "Both files", -command => \&both_files)->pack;
sub add_choose_file_frame {
my ( $label, $var_ref ) = @_;
my $frame = $mw->Frame->pack( -side => 'top', -fill => 'x' );
$frame->Label( -text => $label )->pack( -side => 'left' );
$frame->Entry( -width => 30, -textvariable => $var_ref )->pack( -side => 'left' );
$frame->Button( -text => 'Browse', -command => choose_file( $var_ref ) )->pack;
sub choose_file {
my $var_ref = shift;
my @types = (
['All Files', '*', ],
['Text Files', ['.txt', '.text']],
return sub {
${$var_ref} = $mw->getOpenFile( -filetypes => \@types );
sub file_A_only {
my $lc = compare_files();
save_results( $lc->get_unique_ref );
sub file_B_only {
my $lc = compare_files();
save_results( $lc->get_complement_ref );
sub both_files {
my $lc = compare_files();
save_results( $lc->get_intersection_ref );
sub save_results {
my $results = shift;
my $filename = $mw->getSaveFile();
unless ( defined $filename and length $filename ) {
popup_error( "You must specify a file for the results to be saved" );
my $fh = IO::File->new( $filename, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0644 );
unless ( $fh ) {
popup_error( "Failed to open $filename for writing: $!" );
for my $r ( @{$results} ) {
$fh->print( "$r\n" );
sub compare_files {
my ( $A, $B ) = read_files()
or return;
return List::Compare->new( $A, $B );
sub read_files {
unless ( defined $filename_A and length $filename_A ) {
popup_error( "File A must be specified" );
unless ( defined $filename_B and length $filename_B ) {
popup_error( "File B must be specified" );
my $content_A = slurp_lines( $filename_A )
or return;
my $content_B = slurp_lines( $filename_B )
or return;
return ( $content_A, $content_B );
sub slurp_lines {
my $filename = shift;
my $fh = IO::File->new( $filename, O_RDONLY );
unless ( $fh ) {
popup_error( "Failed to open $filename: $!" );
local $/ = undef;
my $content = <$fh>;
[ split qr/\r\n|\r|\n/, $content ];
sub popup_error {
my $error = shift;
$mw->messageBox( -title => 'Error', -message => $error, -type => 'ok' );