Initial check-in.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 203 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
(use-modules (ice-9 format)
(ice-9 iconv)
(ice-9 rdelim)
((srfi srfi-1) #:select (concatenate first second filter-map every))
((srfi srfi-11) #:select (let-values))
(rnrs bytevectors)
(gcrypt hash)
(sxml simple)
(sxml xpath)
(web client)
(web response)
(web uri))
;; Fetch and parse an RSS feed
(define (fetch-feed url)
(let-values (((res body) (http-get url)))
(unless (= 200 (response-code res))
(error (format #f "GET ~a returned unexpected status" url) res))
(xml->sxml body #:trim-whitespace? #t)))
(define (get-feed-items feed)
((sxpath '(rss channel item)) feed))
(define (get-item-field field-name item)
(let ((res ((sxpath (list field-name)) item)))
(if (nil? res)
(second (first res)))))
(define (get-item-tags item)
(filter-map (lambda (attrs)
(let ((term (assoc 'term attrs))
(scheme (assoc 'scheme attrs)))
(if (and term scheme (string-contains (cadr scheme) "/tags/"))
(string-append "#" (cadr term))
(map cdr ((sxpath '(category @)) item))))
(define (fetch-all-feed-items feed-urls)
(concatenate (map (compose get-feed-items fetch-feed) feed-urls)))
;; Read and write the state database
(define (parse-database-entry s)
(let ((xs (string-split s #\tab)))
(when (not (= 2 (length xs)))
(error (string-join "Invalid state entry: " s)))
(values (first xs) (string->number (second xs)))))
(define (parse-state-database db port)
(let loop ((line (read-line port)))
(if (eof-object? line)
(let-values (((k v) (parse-database-entry line)))
(hash-set! db k v)
(loop (read-line port))))))
(define (read-state-database path)
(define db (make-hash-table))
(when (file-exists? path)
(call-with-input-file path
(lambda (port) (parse-state-database db port))))
(define (unparse-state-database db port)
(hash-for-each (lambda (k v) (format port "~a~/~d~%" k v)) db))
;; Write the state database to a temporary file in
;; the same directory, then atomically rename into place.
(define (write-state-database db path)
(let* ((tmp (mkstemp (string-append path ".XXXXXX")))
(tmp-path (port-filename tmp)))
(unparse-state-database db tmp)
(close-port tmp)
(rename-file tmp-path path)))
;; URL encoding
(define (urlencode-form alist)
(string-join (map (lambda (kv)
(let* ((k (car kv))
(k (if (symbol? k) (symbol->string k) k))
(v (cdr kv)))
(string-append (uri-encode k) "=" (uri-encode v))))
;; SHA256 hex
(define (bytevector->hex-string bv)
(string-concatenate (map (lambda (x) (format #f "~2,'0x" x))
(bytevector->u8-list bv))))
(define sha256-hex (compose bytevector->hex-string sha256))
;; Generate and post toot
;; Generate the text for a Mastodon status message (toot) for an RSS
;; feed item. If the description contains a link, do not add an additional
;; link to the blog post. This allows for tooting short posts that are
;; simply link shares.
(define (item->toot item)
(let ((title (get-item-field 'title item))
(description (get-item-field 'description item))
(link (get-item-field 'link item))
(tags (string-join (get-item-tags item) " " 'prefix)))
(if (or (string-contains description "http://")
(string-contains description "https://"))
(format #f "~a~%~%~a ~a~%" title description tags)
(format #f "~a~%~%~a ~a~%~a~%" title description tags link))))
(define* (post-status api-url token status
#:key (visibility "private") (language "en"))
(let* ((payload (urlencode-form `((status . ,status)
(visibility . ,visibility)
(language . ,language))))
(idempotency-key (sha256-hex payload)))
;; TODO: check respones status
(http-post (string-append api-url "/statuses")
#:body payload
#:headers `((Authorization . ,(string-append "Bearer " token))
(Content-Type . "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
(Idempotency-Key . ,idempotency-key)))))
;; Parse the config file
;; The configuration file should be a simple alist with keys: 'api-url,
;; 'access-token, 'feed-urls, and 'db-path
(define config-string-keys '(api-url access-token db-path))
(define config-string-list-keys '(feed-urls))
(define (validate-config c)
(unless (and (list? c) (every pair? c))
(error "Configuration error: configuration should be an association list"))
(lambda (k)
(unless (assq-ref c k)
(error (format #f "Configuration error: missing required key ~a" k))))
(append config-string-keys config-string-list-keys))
(lambda (k)
(unless (string? (assq-ref c k))
(error (format #f "Configuration error: ~a should be a string" k))))
(lambda (k)
(unless (and (list? (assq-ref c k)) (every string? (assq-ref c k)))
(error (format #f "Configuration error: ~a should be a list of strings" k))))
(define (read-config path)
(let ((config (call-with-input-file path read)))
(validate-config config)
;; Fetch feeds, post toots,
(define (process-feeds config)
(let* ((db-path (assq-ref config 'db-path))
(db (read-state-database db-path))
(now (current-time)))
(lambda (item)
(let ((guid (get-item-field 'guid item)))
(unless (hash-ref db guid)
;; TODO: actually post the toot
(format #t "Posting toot!~%~%~a==========~%" (item->toot item))
(hash-set! db guid now))))
(fetch-all-feed-items (assq-ref config 'feed-urls)))
(write-state-database db db-path)))
;; Initialize the state database
(define (initialize config)
(let ((db-path (assq-ref config 'db-path))
(db (make-hash-table))
(now (current-time)))
(lambda (item)
(hash-set! db (get-item-field 'guid item) now))
(fetch-all-feed-items (assq-ref config 'feed-urls)))
(write-state-database db db-path)))
Add table
Reference in a new issue